
NCAA's Public Relations Head Shares Story of College Athletics

November 16, 2015
NCAA's Public Relations Head Shares Story of College Athletics

Leading media relations for Air Combat Command in wartime gave ex-veteran Bob Williams all the experience he would ever need.

When Bob Williams retired from the U.S. Air Force in 2005, he wasn’t content to simply rest on his laurels. Instead, he started a new job with the National Collegiate Athletic Association four days after his retirement ceremony.

“I had about 45 days from when I accepted the (NCAA) job until the retirement could be processed,” he said. “The transition was really seamless. After 25 years in the military, my biggest challenge was making sure my clothes matched before heading to work.”

During his military career, Williams went from running a small five-person public affairs office at a research lab as a lieutenant to leading a large directorate in Air Combat Command as a colonel with more than 120 communications professionals on staff at multiple locations. While serving in Europe in the mid-1990s, Williams was responsible for media relations for all U.S. Air Force personnel there during wartime in the Balkans and increased operations in Africa. He also led a division within Air Force headquarters at the Pentagon and was present when 9/11 occurred.

In 2000, Williams decided to put together a resume for the first time in his adult life and posted it on Dan Parker from Parker Executive Search in Atlanta took notice and got in touch.

“He didn’t have a communications position he was recruiting for at the time, but he said my background and experience were interesting and he wanted to stay in touch,” Williams said.

Parker reached out to Williams again in 2003 about an NCAA communications opportunity, but war had begun in Iraq and Williams stayed where he was. The third time proved the charm. In late 2004, Parker contacted Williams about an NCAA position as managing director of public and media relations. Williams came to Indianapolis for a series of interviews and was offered the job.

“I really liked the culture and feel of the organization,” he said. “Serving student-athletes and being part of an organization that is focused on providing opportunities and a pathway to success for young people was very appealing to me.”

In his current capacity as NCAA’s senior vice president of communications, Williams provides strategic communication direction and oversight to the association leadership and national office, leading a team of communications professionals in extolling the value of college sports. The Star interviewed him for our "How I Landed My Job" feature.

Question: How do you feel your U.S. Air Force background helps you in your NCAA role?

Answer: “My military background helps me every day. The military taught me leadership, how to think strategically, how to prioritize, how to be flexible and, most importantly, how to be a problem-solver.”

Q: What does a typical workday look like for you?

A: “Every day brings a new issue or challenge. I have a communications staff meeting every morning where we discuss what is trending in the news, on social media and matters that arise. I then go into a senior staff meeting with NCAA executives where we catch up on key issues affecting the association. The rest of the day includes strategy meetings with staff, and other meetings and conference calls focusing on communications content and issues management.”

Q: What kind of education and experience is necessary in a position like yours?

A: “An advanced degree in communications is really the basic requirement. However, you need extensive experience in management, leadership, crisis communication and communication strategy.”

Q: What’s the most rewarding part of your job?

A: “Watching the great team I lead tell amazing stories about college athletes and the staff who support them.”

Q: What’s the most challenging part of your job?

A: “With today’s media environment, sometimes facts take a back seat to speed. We spend a lot of time correcting the record on erroneous reporting.”

Q: What personal traits do you think are key to success in your line of work?

A: “You have to be confident, direct, and flexible under stress. You also have to be a strategic thinker.”

Q: What advice would you give other people who want to get into communications work?

A: “First, get a good education and training. Try to get as much experience doing as many different aspects of communications as possible. Take the hard job no one wants — and do it well. Solve problems for your boss, and never be the problem.”

Q: What are your plans going forward?

A: “Continue my work here and maybe share my experiences with students at a university someday.”

More about Bob Williams

• Job title: NCAA senior vice president of communications.

• Age: 58.

• Family: Wife, Linda; sons, Robert and Corey; mom and dad, Margaret and Chuck Williams; Goldendoodle puppy, Wally.

• Education: B.A. in communications from Buffalo State College, M.S. in communications from Boston University.

• Previous work experience: U.S. Air Force.

• Favorite quote: “For he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother.”  – Henry V, Shakespeare

Original story:

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